Sunday, December 08, 2013

Strengthening The Ties Within The Blogging Community

In post, she responded to a blog meme that (I think) is meant to strengthen the ties within the blogging community. Many education bloggers (not necessarily those I have tagged in this post) have been less active on their own blogs as they would like. By their own admission, many feel a little guilty about it and are looking for something to light a spark. For me, it just may be this post.

Be sure to read all the way to the end because YOU may have been tagged to do this on your own blog.

Here's how it works:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger. 
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself. 
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you. 
  4. List 11 bloggers. 
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don't nominate a blogger who has nominated you. 

My random facts about myself:

  1. I have a dog named Kobe and we sometimes call him, Kobe Doodles.
  2. For the past six months, I've been jogging a few times a week using an app called, Couch to 5K (Thank you to for the inspiration.)
  3. I've always struggled with my weight.
  4. I am Arithmophobic.
  5. I have two incredible sons who are smart, kind-hearted, and have very good judgment. 
  6. I have been married for 28 years.
  7. I love coffee and drink at least two cups a day.
  8. Up until a few weeks ago, I have never owned a passport.
  9. I have a sweet-tooth; thus the problem I'm trying to solve with #2 above.
  10. I have the most amazing in-laws ever!
  11. I suffer from Imposter Syndrome. ? 

My answers to Jen's questions:

1. What was your first car? My first car was a green Satellite.
2. What was your degree in college? My degree was elementary education.
3. What is your middle name? My middle name is Stacey.
4. If you could travel ANYWHERE — where would you go, and why? I'm excited to be traveling to Europe for the first time. In March I'll be joining the in Barcelona (as a judge). I couldn't think of any other place I want to go right now.
5. If you could go back to one SIGNIFICANT event in history — where you go, and why? I would like to be part of the Founding Fathers and help them write the Consitution.
6. What is the last book you read — for FUN? I am currently reading two books: Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly and The Circle by Dave Eggers.
7. What is your favorite TV series? I can't pick one so here are my current favorites: Homeland, Glee, Big Bang Theory, and American Horror Story.
8. Who was your favorite elementary teacher? My 6th grade teacher, Dave Kanegis.
9. Who was your favorite secondary teacher? Michelle Edwards, drama teacher.
10. What is your favorite Rodgers & Hammerstein Musical? Cinderella with the guy who played Alan Quartermaine (from GH) as the prince.
11. Do you sing in the shower? No, but I do sing in my car.

My questions for YOU are below. 

In response to a FB post about this meme, made a really good point. He said, "This seems like a plot to get the bloggers of the world to answer most of their potential credit card/iTunes security questions." While that is certainly not the intent, (as always) be careful about what you post online. 

  1. What did you always want to "be" when you grew up?
  2. What kind of car do you currently drive?
  3. What would most people be surprised to find out about you?
  4. How much time passes between the time when you wake up and your check your phone?
  5. When did you last write a blogpost?
  6. Do you suffer from ?
  7. What would you do if you were not afraid?
  8. What's the most bizarre food you've ever eaten?
  9. Do you still live in the town where you grew up?
  10. If you have kids, do you let them run around in restaurants? (If you do, I hate you!)
  11. What's your secret indulgence? 
I nominate the following bloggers to carry this meme forward. I chose these people because I know them all personally, have spent time in meaningful conversations with them, and know their readers would love a peek into what they are about outside of education. Some of the folks I'd LIKE to tag, don't typically blog on a personal level, so they are not listed here.

Please come back here and leave a comment if you write a post in response.

  1. You! 
I look forward to your comments. 



I couldn't resist! I answered your questions on my blog!
We are heading to Boynton Beach on Dec. 19 to visit my parents for the holidays. Not sure if you have any time but maybe you could meet up with my hubby and me for coffee some time.


Homework complete. Please grade it at your earliest convenience.


Done! Thanks for the push!


If you were helping the founding fathers write the Constitution, would you have encouraged any changes in the final form it took in 1787? :-)

Thanks for this challenge! I did it and passed it on :-)


Hey Wes,
Yes, I would have tried to get them to be very clear in their intent. I would have encouraged them to think forward to human behavior, based on what they've witnessed behind them. So, I would have been the official proofreader. LOL


How do you think this strengthens the ties withing the blogging community? I completely agree with you, I would just like to know your point of view. Is it because readers and followers of blogs are able to get to know more about their bloggers? Do you think there is a way to translate this into an elementary aged classroom? I am a future teacher and hope to pick your brain some! If you would like, you can check out my blog at or follow me on Twitter @jmed93.