The opinions expressed in this blog are strictly those of the author and contributors and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of my employer.
Disclosure Statement: The companies listed below provide me with free memberships to their premium services with the understanding of no obligation on my part. If and when I reference these services in my posts, it is my personal choice with no benefit to me other than providing a valuable service to my readers within the context of my posts.
Yes, I like money but I like honesty better.There are times when I am offered, and accept, compensation for writing (or promoting) on behalf of an organization or company. Compensation may be in the form of cash, product samples, and/or free registrations to conferences (such as FETC or ISTE). There have been NO times when compensation has been so great that I have EVER published anything I've not already vetted and truly believe in.
Previous and/or Current Business Partners:
- Mentoring Minds
- Class Dojo
- Microsoft
- Discovery Education
- Lenovo
- HR Block
- Green Mountain Coffee
- Instructure, Inc.
- Wacom
- InFocus
- NOVA PBS Secret Life of Scientists
- Alan November Learning
Ethics, WorkPlace, and Florida Statute Section 112.313(7)(a):
As a public employee, I always strive to do the "right thing" and ensure that any perception of impropriety be eliminated as thoroughly as possible.
In any case where my employer and the above entities have established relationships, I had and have no influence or public responsibility pertaining to the business between my employer and the private business entities above. I am comfortable knowing there is no violation of Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, which is the provision most pertinent to a perception of conflict of interest.
The Florida Commission has applied Section 112.316, Florida Statutes, to negate any possible conflict under Section 112.313(7)(a). Section 112.316 states:
It is not the intent of this part, nor shall it be construed, to prevent any officer or employee of a state agency or county, city, or other political subdivision of the state or any legislator or legislative employee from accepting other employment or following any pursuit which does not interfere with the full and faithful discharge by such officer, employee, legislator, or legislative employee of his or her duties to the state or the county, city, or other political subdivision of the state involved.
The Florida Ethics Commission has interpreted Section 112.316 to apply in situations where a public employee has and had no influence or public responsibility pertaining to the business between her agency and the private business entity with which she is connected. In such situations, the Commission has found Section 112.316 may be applied to cure a conflict.