If you are a "Connected Educator," you are probably already aware that this is THE month designated to be extra connected. What does that mean? Who knows? Everyone has their ideas on what that actually means. People are so passionate about their ideas being "right" that some folks are second-guessing the way they do business - never a good thing, and usually not anyone's intent; but typically an unintended consequence of being passionate and outspoken.
Anyway, I was planning to stay out of this conversation, but being one of those passionate and outspoken individuals, I just can't help myself.
I've been called many things, but the well-intended labels have included those such as "rock star," "expert," "influencer," "famous," "hero," etc. If you've followed me online for awhile, this will come as no surprise to you, but all of those labels make me extremely uncomfortable simply because they are not true, and I worry that there is an expectation of me that I just can't deliver. There are so many people who deserve those labels, and I am definitely not one of them.
There is one term that I have been assigned to me recently that I will accept, and that is "Connected." Perhaps Connected is the new Rock Star? I'll take it.
Want To Get Connected? Here Is My Advice!
So, I am definitely connected to other educators and people who inspire me. They don't seem to mind me tagging along, so I do. Every chance I get. By design, I am rarely the smartest person in the room. I surround myself with people who do great things, share great stories, inspire me to be my best, and are honest! People who are also flawed but persevere.
Phony Bolognese need not apply. There is my advice to those who want to get more connected!
Look For FREE Structured Opportunities to Connect With Others Online:
Spend some time with other connected educators this month online with . Every weeknight during Connected Educator Month, join Steve from 7:30 - 8:30pm US-Eastern Daylight Time for an hour of online relax an social time with some great special guests.
If you'd like to connect with me, I'm scheduled for October 9th, along with the always inspiring Karl Fisch and Will Richardson. You can also connect with me here on this blog, on Twitter, or send me an email at lee . kolbert at gmail.com
While you're looking for inspiration, take a few minutes to watch this 5-minute video:
Then, watch how he made it all happen:
Hi, My name is Morgan Rushlow and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I thought this post was interesting. I think it is important to be "connected". Have a wonderful day. Here's a link to my EDM 310 student blog- http://rushlowmorganedm310.blogspot.com
and my twitter page-https://twitter.com/morganrrushlow
Hello, Ms. Kolbert, my name is Brantley Spillman. I am a student majoring in Education at the University of South Alabama. I have several assignments throughout this semester that involve reading/commenting on a variety of different educators’ thoughts/blogs throughout the country. I must say that your blog has been by far the more exciting blog that I have been required to read.
Is “Connected� the “New Rock star�? Living with the expectations of being a rock star will never be easy. Luckily, being connected has become relatively easy. And with the power of technology, being connected with the “right� people has allowed being connected to equate being a rock star.
I love your advice on getting connected. By surrounding yourself with professionals in your field and other overall good/influential people, connections can create unique opportunities for your passionate opinions to be heard by more than just your family members. Your suggestion reminds me of a saying my mother told me, “if you run with dogs, you’re eventually going to get fleas�. By surrounding yourself with high achieving individuals, you can have the option to influence big achievements. Technology opens the field for one to make high achieving connections outside of just the people in your community, school or hockey game bleachers. I appreciated the encouragement to “tag along� great people in hopes of making great contributions.
Thanks for sharing your ideas. I look forward to reading your future posts.